The link above will take you to our online giving portal at

Once you are there you can choose the category for your giving. You are able to add additional categories within a single donation; you are not limited to just one category. You can also do a one-time donation, or set up a recurring donation. Payments will be processed by Stripe. Once you have entered your information, you can choose to save your payment method securely on Stripe for future use.

All donations are tax deductible and you will receive a giving statement from Life Ministries at the end of the year for tax purposes.

Where do my contributions go?

Below is an explanation of the online giving categories listed and where your contributions go.

  • GENERAL OFFERING is offering that can be used for any purpose within the course of business of the church.

  • SAVE OUR CHILDREN is the lifeline of the UPCI Children’s Ministries on both the district and national levels. Half of all SOC funds stay within the Ohio district for the promotion and advancement of Children’s Ministries work there. The other half of the SOC money goes to headquarters for the furtherance of the national Children’s Ministries work.

  • I AM GLOBAL advances the gospel by shortening the time UPCI missionaries must dedicate to fundraising. I AM GLOBAL has saved hundreds of thousands of dollars in expenses and helped missionaries return to their field much sooner than expected.

  • CHRISTMAS FOR CHRIST is an annual offering received during the Christmas season that supports UPCI church planters in North America. To date, Christmas for Christ has funded hundreds of successful church plants in cities large and small.

  • The giving of TITHES is a Biblical principle where Believers demonstrate their obedience to God's commands and their trust in His provision by giving a tenth (10%) of their income back to God. This money contributes to the financial stability of the church and its ministries.

  • A SPECIAL OFFERING is usually announced in a service and contributions go to that specific need.

  • The NORTH AMERICAN MISSIONS division of the UPCI partners with established churches for the purpose of the training, funding and sending of church planters within North America. Life Ministries contributes to specific North American missionaries on a monthly basis.

  • IMPROVE YOUR LIFE contributions are used for building projects and improvements within the facilities of Life Ministries.

  • SUNDAY SCHOOL contributions are used to purchase teaching curriculum and supplies used for the Sunday School classes at Life Ministries, and includes occasional activities sponsored by the Sunday School department.

  • BENEVOLENCE contributions are used solely at the discretion of the church board as donations to address special financial needs that may arise within our church and community.

  • The GLOBAL MISSIONS division of the UPCI exists to take the "whole gospel to the whole world, by the whole church." Its mission is that every tribe and nation will know the name of Jesus. Contributions are used for the training and sending of missionaries and the planting of churches throughout the world. FAITH PROMISE is a program within the Global Missions Division where individuals and families within the church agree that, as God provides, the donor will give a specific amount on a monthly or weekly basis to the missionary offering of the local church. Faith Promise is a vehicle by which the local church finds the ability to have a consistent provision of needed funds to reach the world with this great gospel.

    Through these contributions, Life Ministries contributes to numerous Global Missionaries on a monthly basis.